
#UofTGrad19: r gears up for spring convocation

The r’s downtown Toronto campus will soon be buzzing as graduating students and their families descend on King’s College Circle for spring convocation.

More than 14,800 students will graduate from all three r campuses between June 3rd and 21st. As many as 12,400 will cross the stage at Convocation Hall, which will continue to be the venue for graduations after a review earlier this year, during 32 scheduled ceremonies.

In total, more than 19,800 students will have graduated from r by the end of 2019 – bringing the knowledge and experience they gained at Canada’s top-ranked university to the wider world.

“On behalf of the entire r, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the class of 2019,” said r President Meric Gertler.

“You have worked hard, applied your creativity and achieved so much in reaching this incredible milestone. We look forward to celebrating it with you and your family and friends over the coming weeks.”

Visit r’s Convocation 2019 website

Graduating students and their guests will be joined by 13 inspiring honorary degree recipients during this year’s spring convocation, including Olympic gold medal swimmer and LGBTQ advocate Mark Tewksbury, r President Emeritus David Naylor, anti-nuclear advocate Setsuko Thurlow and business leader and philanthropist, Judy Goldring, who is being recognized for her service to the university as a former chair of Governing Council.

So just how big is r’s 2019 spring convocation? Here are some quick facts:

  • Over 14,800 students expected to graduate with more than 12,400 attending ceremonies
  • More than 34,000 guests are expected to cheer on their family and friends who are crossing the stage during spring convocation
  • Over 70 different degrees, diplomas and certificates will be awarded during 15  days of ceremonies
  • More than 75 different types of hoods, symbolizing different degrees, will be worn by graduates and academic officials
  • The youngest graduate this year was also the youngest last year. Sakina Rizvi, 19, will receive her master’s in education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Last year she graduated with a specialist degree in the history of religions.
  • The oldest graduate is Louis Hollander, 84, who will recieve bachelor's degree with a double major in history and political science 
  • The first graduating class of the Rotman School of Management’s Master of Management Analytics program will be crossing the stage on June 21
  • There will be 32 individual ceremonies – three more than last June
  • Here are the 13 honorary degree recipients this June: David Naylor (June 3), Kathleen Taylor (June 4), Setsuko Thurlow (June 4), Carlo Fidani (June 5), Michael Moldaver (June 7), Judy Goldring (June 10), Alan Bernstein (June 11),  Lorna Goodison (June 13), Edward Chamberlin (June 13), Buffy Sainte-Marie (June 17), William Troost (June 19), Mark Tewksbury (June 20), Nathan Leipciger (June 20)
  • Approximately 80 student ambassadors will be supporting convocation this spring by assisting guests and students
  •  Ten marshals dressed in red gowns will help students line up properly for their ceremony
  • Graduating students will join a network of over 500,000 alumni located all over the world

Note: Fall convocation for the class of 2019 will take place Nov. 4th to 8th

Don’t forget to share your favourite moments from your graduation using #UofTGrad19!